Home to the Pennsylvania Maple Festival, “The Maple City” is recognized as a
Trail Town on the Great Allegheny Passage and by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
What do the following have in common: pancakes as big as your head, fresh dough pizzas and stromboli, wing nights, steak and seafood, and delicious desserts? They can all be found in Meyersdale. When it comes to dining, the Maple City offers a little bit of everything!
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The Maple City and its History
The Maple City
and its History
Meyersdale’s history includes a wonderful mix of maple syrup, railroads, and coal mines. Learn more about our unique past with a visit to our restored Western Maryland Railway Station, home to the Meyersdale Area Historical Society and visitors center. The Pennsylvania Maple Festival began in 1948 and honors our maple culture each spring.
© Video courtesy of Mike Petenbrink Photography